

Educational explanations in regards to protection inclusion are for general portrayal purposes as it were. These assertions don’t alter, change or supplement any insurance contract. Counsel the genuine strategy or your representative for insights about terms, conditions, inclusion, avoidances, items, administrations, and projects which might be accessible to you. Your qualification for specific items and administrations is dependent upon the last assurance of endorsing capabilities and acknowledgment by the protection guaranteeing organization giving such items or administrations.

This site makes no portrayals that inclusion does or exists for no specific case or misfortune, or sort of guarantee or misfortune, under any strategy. Whether inclusion exists or exists for no specific case or misfortune under any arrangement relies upon current realities and conditions engaged with the case or misfortune and all relevant strategy phrasing.

Explanations on this site as to approaches and inclusions give general data as it were. This data is certifiably not a proposal to sell protection. Protection inclusion can’t be bound or changed by means of accommodation of any internet-based structure/application given on this webpage etc., email, voice message, fax, or any web-based entertainment page. No fastener, insurance contract, change, expansion, or potential cancellation to protection inclusion comes full circle except if and until affirmed straight by an authorized specialist. Any proposition of protection we might present to you will be founded on the data you give us by means of this web-based structure/application as well as in different correspondences with us. If it’s not too much trouble, contact our office at (770) 339-0447 to talk about unambiguous inclusion subtleties and your protection needs. All inclusions are dependent upon the terms, conditions, and avoidances of the real approach given. Not all arrangements or potential inclusions are accessible in each state. Data given on this site doesn’t comprise proficient exhortation: on the off chance that you have a legitimate, charge or monetary arranging questions, you ought to contact a fitting proficient. Any hypertext that connects to different locales is given as accommodation as it were: we have zero commands over those destinations and support or assurance no data given by those locales

Approval of Use and Legal Notice of Copyright

PISI, therefore, approves any individual to just access this site for educational purposes. PISI claims all authority to end admittance to this site whenever without notification. This site isn’t expected to encroach on the copyright of any individual or element. The information, data, and material remembered for this site are protected by PISI. Generally, privileges are saved under the intellectual property laws of the United States of America. No piece of this site can be reallocated, duplicated, or replicated without the earlier composed assent of PISI.

The client of this site takes on all obligations and chances for the utilization of this site and the web for the most part. PISI and its workers, specialists, chiefs, officials, and proprietors renounce all guarantees, portrayals, or supports, communicated or inferred, with respect to the information, data, and material remembered for, or open from, this site or the Internet, including, however not restricted to, all suggested guarantees of merchantability, readiness for a specific reason or non-encroachment. PISI has the privilege to stop, change or update any information, data, or material remembered for the site without earlier notification, and PISI expects no lawful obligation or obligation regarding the exactness, fulfillment, or helpfulness of any information, data, or material remembered for, or open from, this site. No guidance or data given by PISI will make any guarantee. PISI doesn’t warrant that the information, data, and material remembered for the site or on the Internet will be uninterruptible or mistake-free or that any information, data, programming, or other material open from this site is liberated from infections or other unsafe parts. A few of our pages depict different protection items, yet the accessibility of a particular item might vary from one state to another. The item portrayals are general in nature and the insurance inclusion is dependent upon the particular terms of the real contracts given. Assuming you are keen on the agreements of a particular item, kindly reach us for extra data.

Disclaimer of Liability

In no occasion will PISI or its representatives, specialists, chiefs, officials or proprietors be responsible for any compensatory, unique, immediate, accidental, backhanded, excellent or noteworthy harms, or any harms at all subsequent from loss of purpose, information, data or benefits emerging out of or regarding the utilization or execution of the information, data or material remembered for this site or on the Internet for the most part or on some other premise.

Disclaimer for Third Party Links

This site might contain connections to outsider sites that are not constrained by PISI. These outsider connections are made accessible to you as a comfort and you consent to utilize these connections notwithstanding the obvious danger ahead.

Kindly know that PISI isn’t answerable for the substance of outsider sites connected to PISI, nor is PISI liable for the protection strategy or practices of outsider sites connected to PISI. Our Privacy Policy just applies to data we gather from you while you are effectively in an association with PISI. Assuming you ought to connection to an outsider site from PISI, we unequivocally urge you to survey and get comfortable with that site’s security strategy.

Electronic Communications

PISI won’t be considered to have acknowledged any electronic correspondence except if PISI gives the shipper of the electronic correspondence with an affirmation checking receipt of the correspondence. On the off chance that PISI sends any electronic correspondence, PISI will accept the correspondence was gotten unblemished by the planned beneficiary. The beneficiary of such message should advise PISI on the off chance that the transmission was not gotten or was not gotten in an intelligible arrangement.


Notwithstanding the safety efforts taken by PISI, there is an innate gamble in revealing individual data over the Internet. Anybody electronically sending individual data expects the gamble that such data might be revealed or blocked by accidental outsiders and PISI disavows all risk coming about because of such capture or exposure. Any individual who wishes to apply for a protection quote and has worry about the security of their own data might apply face to face at a PISI’s office, may do as such by calling PISI or via mailing a protection application to PISI’s office.


Ought to any arrangement of our agreements be held invalid, unlawful or under any circumstance unenforceable, then, at that point, the invalid, unlawful or unenforceable arrangement will be severable from the excess arrangements. Such invalid, unlawful or unenforceable arrangement will not influence the legitimacy or enforceability of the excess arrangements.

Right to Amend Disclaimers, Legal Notices and Privacy Policy
We maintain whatever authority is needed to correct, alter, or change whenever and under any condition, any Disclaimers, Legal Notices, Privacy Policies, and any Policies related with them, without giving you notification ahead of time of our expectation to roll out the improvements. In the event that you have any inquiries concerning our protection strategy, if it’s not too much trouble, go ahead and reach us at the PISI office during ordinary business hours.